I love getting books in the post. Here are the two most recent arrivals:
One is the first copy of my brand new book, Stinkbomb & Ketchup-Face and the Great Big Story Nickers! If you're a Stinkbomb & Ketchup-Face fan, you might remember what happened in book two, Stinkbomb & Ketchup-Face and the Quest for the Magic Porcupine, when Miss Butterworth opened a copy of, er Stinkbomb & Ketchup-Face and the Quest for the Magic Porcupine. And you might have wondered: what would happen if characters less good and sensible than Miss Butterworth got hold of a copy of the book they were in. Well, in Stinkbomb & Ketchup-Face and the Great Big Story Nickers, our heroes are about to find out! |
I'm just as excited about the second book to arrive in the post. It's another one that's not in the shops yet - my lovely friend Jo Cotterill's latest book, A Library of Lemons. I'm really looking forward to reading it, though I'm a bit worried it might make me blub. When I've read it, I'll tell you how many hankies I needed. |